Debbie Palmer
“In a society where items are often thrown away because they are old, or no longer “in fashion” or functional, or have a scratch, or a broken piece, we want to encourage people to see the beauty and purpose that still resides in these items.
By focusing on creating durable art from items destined for the landfill, we bring value back to the community. Our art is a catalyst for social and intellectual enrichment- it brings the community together to experience and discuss recycled art and it encourages viewers to become environmental stewards within their community.
The common thread that runs through our work and our thought process is repurpose, reuse, reimagine…... with the goal of keeping items out of the landfills.”
By focusing on creating durable art from items destined for the landfill, we bring value back to the community. Our art is a catalyst for social and intellectual enrichment- it brings the community together to experience and discuss recycled art and it encourages viewers to become environmental stewards within their community.
The common thread that runs through our work and our thought process is repurpose, reuse, reimagine…... with the goal of keeping items out of the landfills.”